In English

Founded in 2000 by conductor Walter Bially, the Albert Schweitzer Kammerchor (chamber choir) unites in singing some 30 students, alumni, student parents and teachers of the Albert Schweitzer Musical Gymnasium (High School), plus guest singers once in a while. Albeit many attend singing classes, nearly everyone is a singing amateur. The school is located in close vicinity to gorgeous Alster river in the north of the City of Hamburg in Germany.
The choirs repertoire comprises challenging choir works dating from the 16th century up to present time, as well as a capella singing, Cantatas and Oratories.
The choir usually work out two programs per year, rehearsing in brief, intense phases on a project-related schedule.
Apart from concerts in and around Hamburg, the choir regularly travel on concert tours in Germany and abroad

Walter Bially was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1958. During the course of his studies in music and religious pedagogics in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin, he put increased emphasis on conducting, with a special interest for choir leading. In addition to his regular studies he attended master classes with Eric Ericsson and John Eliot Gardiner.

Aged 18, Bially founded his first chamber choir and he has been working with several vocal and instrumental ensembles ever since. Since 1999 he is a music teacher at Albert Schweitzer Musical High School in Hamburg and in 2000 he founded the Albert Schweitzer Kammerchor.

Unsere nächsten Projekte:

19. - 24. Oktober 2024:

Chorreise in das Elsass: Auf den Spuren Albert Schweitzers.


Sonntag, 6.April.2025:
Brahms Requiem in St. Bonifatius Eimsbüttel